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Become an Associate Membership (New members)

  • Pay the yearly membership fee ($120/year) for Individual.
    During this period, associate members may serve on any committees, but are not eligible to vote or run for the office.
  • Pay the yearly membership fee ($200.00/year) for joint (Husband and wife)
    During this period, associate members may serve on any committees, but are not eligible to vote or run for the office.

Become a Youth Membership
Pay the yearly membership fee ($60/year) %50 off the full Membership.
(Youth from ages of 13-18 years old can be eligible for this type of membership. Youth members may serve on any committees but are not eligible to vote or run for the BOD.)

Click Here To Fill Up Membership Form


Article 7

Section 7.01 Definition of a Member:
All applicants who wish to become a member of AACC shall submit the membership application form as per section 7.03. All members’ activities shall be primarily for the benefit of Afghan-Americans as long as it subscribes to the Preamble and Aims & Objectives and conforms to the Principles mentioned in Article 3.

Section 7.02 Qualifications
Membership of the AACC shall be a privilege and open to all Afghans who are interested to promote the AACC’s mission.

All applicants shall meet the followings requirements.

  1. Accept to strictly abide by and support the mission, policies, Bylaws, rules and regulations of the Organization.
  2. Support the organization financially to the best of their abilities.
  3. Eighteen (18) years of age or older who are lawful permanent residents in the U.S.

Section 7.03 Procedures

  1. Qualified applicants as per Section 7.02 shall submit a complete AACC membership application form and sign.
  2. Pay the yearly membership fee ($120/year) at once when submitting the application. Yearly membership fee is paid for the year beginning on January first and ending Dec. 31st. Members who cannot pay full membership fee at one time due to financial hardship, a special arrangement for installments shall be made therefor. The membership fee must be paid full by December 31st of the calendar year.

Section 7.04 Type of Membership

Section 7.04.1 Associate Membership (New members)
Those who have completed the requirements of Section 7.03 may become associate members for a period of one year from the date of the receipt of application. During this period, associate members may serve on any committees, but are not eligible to vote or run for the office.

Section 7.04.2 Youth Membership
Youth from ages of 13-18 years old can be eligible for this type of membership. The youth membership will be a special membership with 50% discount for membership dues to encourage young generation to be part of AACC. Youth members may serve on any committees but are not eligible to vote or run for the BOD.

Section 7.04.3 Full Membership
Members, who have held that status of Associate member for one year and have fulfilled their membership obligations, are eligible to earn Full Membership status by action of the BOD. Full members will become eligible to vote, but to run for the membership of Board of Directors, they must have voted at least once before.

Section 7.04.4 Honorary and Distinguished Membership
Honorary membership is granted in recognition of the services of individual(s) who has contributed generously to the welfare of this organization and the community at large. Such an individual should be recommended by an active member and shall be approved by the 2/3-majority vote of the BOD. Honorary Members are for three (3) years term that can be renewed for another term by a 2/3-majority vote of the BOD.

Distinguished membership includes all stated for honorary membership but also includes distinguished recognition of an individual’s outstanding characteristics or contribution to the society at large. Distinguished and Honorary members can become active members of the organization if they fulfill the requirements of Section 7.02. Honorary and Distinguished Members shall fill the membership application form and the annual membership fee will be optional.

Section 7.04.5 Inactive Membership
Any member who does not pay the dues assessed upon him or her within three (3) months of the notice of assessment shall have his or her voting privilege suspended for three (3) months from the date of notice of said suspension. Should a member face a temporary financial hardship, he/she must inform the Membership Committee in writing about his/her inability to pay the dues. Such request will be subject to the review by the Membership Committee and Board of Directors

Section 7.05 Suspension or Termination of Membership
The Membership Committee can recommend permanent or temporarily termination of a membership of any members to the Board of Directors for final decision. The following(s) will be reasons for canceling the membership of a member:

  1. Any member who fails to pay his or her dues for a period of three (3) months after the membership committee notification.
  2. Any member that is proven to participate directly or indirectly in harming the society, and to undermining the mission, the goals, and the objectives of the organization as judged by three-forth (3/4) majority vote of the Board of Directors.
  3. Any member who has been convicted of any felony offense by the court.
  4. Any member who have made intentional efforts to discredit tarnish and/or defame cultural and Islamic values of Afghanistan. Such act shall be evaluated thoroughly and a final decision shall be made by three-forth (3/4) majority vote of the Board of Directors.
  5. Termination of Membership may also occur because of the member’s resignation or death

Section 7.06 Appeal against Termination/Suspension
The member has the right to appeal to the Board of Directors within 30 (thirty) days from the date of termination notice to reconsider his/her case. If the Board of Directors upholds its decision, the member may appeal the decision and ask for a vote by the general membership in a meeting called on the petition of min of 20 voting members. And if a two-thirds majority of the active membership presents and voting in favor of aforementioned member in a meeting where a quorum is present, the membership termination shall be reinstated.

Section 7.07 Withdrawal
Any member may withdraw from membership in the Corporation by delivering to the Secretary in person or by mail addressed to the Secretary at the Corporation’s principal office a written request to withdraw. The Board of Directors must make an effort to contact the member, confirm and discuss the reason for withdrawal. The withdrawal becomes effective upon the Board of Directors confirmation of the notice. Dues and donations are non-refundable.

Section 7.08 Reinstatement
Person(s) who have been placed on the inactive membership list and person(s) who have withdrawn may be restored to their previous membership status upon meeting all the admission requirements for new members.